Why is October a good time to buy a Campervan? | Eternity Campers

Why is October a good time to buy a Campervan?

Why is October a perfect time to buy a Campervan?



If you’ve been considering purchasing a campervan, you may be wondering when the best time to make your purchase is. While there are various factors to consider, October stands out as an opportune month for buying a campervan. In this post, we’ll explore the reasons why October is the perfect time to invest in your dream campervan. From cost savings and availability to favorable weather conditions, let’s dive into the benefits of purchasing a campervan in October.

1. End-of-Season Discounts:

As October marks the end of the camping season in many regions, dealerships and private sellers often offer attractive discounts to clear their inventory. This presents an excellent opportunity for buyers to secure a campervan at a lower price compared to peak seasons. By taking advantage of end-of-season discounts, you can save a significant amount of money on your purchase.

2. Increased Availability:

With the camping season winding down, the demand for campervans tends to decrease in October. This means that there is a higher likelihood of finding a wider selection of campervans available for purchase. Whether you’re looking for a specific make, model, or size, October provides a better chance of finding the perfect campervan that meets your preferences and requirements.

3. Time for Customisation and Modifications:

Buying a campervan in October allows you ample time to customise and modify your vehicle before the next camping season begins. Whether you want to add solar panels, upgrade the interior, or install additional storage options, purchasing in October gives you the advantage of having several months to work on your campervan and make it truly personalised.

4. Ideal Weather for Inspections and Test Drives:

October often offers pleasant weather conditions in many regions, making it an ideal time for inspections and test drives. With milder temperatures and clearer skies, you can thoroughly examine the campervan’s exterior, interior, and mechanical components without the discomfort of extreme heat or cold. This ensures that you make an informed decision and have a better understanding of the campervan’s condition and components before finalising your purchase.

5. Planning Ahead for Next Season:

By purchasing a campervan in October, you have ample time to plan and prepare for the upcoming camping season. You can research and book campsites, plan your itineraries, and make any necessary arrangements well in advance. This allows you to hit the road as soon as the camping season begins, maximising your time for adventure and exploration.


October presents a unique opportunity for campervan enthusiasts to purchase their dream vehicle at a more affordable price, with increased availability and favorable weather conditions for inspections and test drives. Additionally, buying a campervan in October allows you ample time for customisation and modifications, ensuring your vehicle is perfectly tailored to your needs. So, if you’re considering investing in a campervan, seize the advantages that October offers and embark on a lifetime of unforgettable adventures on the open road.

If you’re looking for expert advice on camper vans, or you’d like to enquire about what we do, please get in touch today.

Alternatively, if you would like to view our Campervan for sale page, please feel free

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